Sunday, December 23, 2012

Post Operation - Cornea Transplant

Thursday 12/20/12

I went to San Antonio at around 5:00 am from Laredo, Texas and arrived at the surgery center at 7:30 am. My arrival time was supposed to be at 7:45 am at this time I was told it would 2-4 hrs until I had my surgery. I signed all my papers and paid 1300.00 because I had not met my deductible. I waited till 9:15 and that's when I was called by the nurse, I told the nurse I was going to take off my contact and she said ok as I got back all I remembered was being told that they were running late, anastasia guy told me I wasn't going to remember anything and that I was going to be in the twilight zone as they went on two other people and the doctor presented themselves to me. My surgeon was Dr. Charles Reiley an air force guy, let me tell you this surgeon was top of the line! I guess I fell asleep before they started working on me, I woke up 10 mins into the surgery as I felt a pinch and I got startled! When that happened I suddenly moved and the doctor just reminded me to stay calmed and collected. Next thing I remembered about the surgery was the doctor talking about meatloaf and that was about it.. Twenty minutes later they were done and I was out in the recovery room! I guess I was out of it! I did feel two pinches in the eye but that's it! The whole process was painless and the doctor was smooth during the operation. Kudos to the team that worked on me they were real good and very friendly !

First picture with the shield was on 12/20/12 as soon as I got out of the surgery center I went out to eat at red robin yum!

Second picture was on 12/21/12 I saw the doctor and he took off the shield and gauze he said my eye was in excellent shape! I left back to LAREDO and submitted all my paperwork to my job as I'm not allowed to go back to work I'll feb 18, 2013.

Third picture is from 12/22/12 you can see the stitches around the cornea.

Fourth picture 12/22/12 you can see the swelling on the eye lids

Today is 12/23/12 I've had swelling on my eye lids! My eye just shuts down during daylight and at night time it opens half way. No rejection episodes as of yet and I hope I can be in the clear of things as days go by! I'm happy with the procedure and I know what I'm up against!

I don't have any pain at the moment, I'm on vigamox 3x, durezol 3x and some tylenol! I'll see the doctor again in 2 1/2 weeks! Hopefully everything goes well!

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